Monday, February 16, 2015


"Hey, Bill! What are you up to?"
"Everything, man! I just got a promotion!"
"Congratulations, Bill!"
"Thanks, Shaheen! So what's up with you?"
"I'm seeking a venue for a new series of shows."
"Sweet! Good luck, man! And what about you, Sarah?"
"I'm still trying to become a movie star. In fact, I just spent six hours picking out the makeup I'll wear in my headshots!"
"Oh...that's nice..."

"Hey, Christina! What are you up to?"
"Just trying to get my business off the ground."
"Well, best of luck with that."
"Thanks, Shaheen. So what's up with you?"
"I've got a venue for my shows! I'm booking the first one now!"
"That's great! I hope it goes well. And what about you, Sarah?"
"I'm still trying to become a movie star. In fact, I've spent all week narrowing down fonts for my resume!"
"Oh...that's nice..."

"Hey, Maggie! What are you up to?"
"Going on job interview after job interview!"
"Well, good for you! I wouldn't keep working for that creep, either."
"Thanks, Shaheen. So what's up with you?"
"Well, the first show was a success -- I'll definitely do more at that venue."
"Awesome! I'm so happy for you! And what about you, Sarah?"
"I'm still trying to become a movie star. In fact, I just spent the past month deciding whether to add a middle initial to my screen name."
"Oh...that's nice..."

"Hey, Freddy! What are you up to?"
"Well, I literally just got back from my tour. It wasn't bad for my first time on the road."
"Freddy, I bet it'll be even better next time."
"Thanks, Shaheen. So what's up with you?"
"Oh, I'm just booking you for my next show, if you'll let me."
"Haha, Shaheen. How could I possibly say no to you? And what about you, Sarah?"
"I'm still trying to become a movie star. In fact, I just spent the past -- Shaheen, where are you going?!?!"


You're 21, and still just as pretty.
No longer in a cute way, but finally in a sexy way.
You were pretty attractive for a kid, but you were still just a kid.
You're 21.
Why did I have to know you when you were 17?

17: such a precious age.
Too precious for a man of conscience.
Too precious for a man on the right side of legal.
Too young for a man so old.
You were pretty ambitious for a kid, but you were still just a kid
And you taught me once and for all that I was too grown up to hang out with a kid.

You're 21
And I wish you had been then
So I could have taken you to the places I went to.
The places where they carded and knew how to spot a fake
And would have thrown our asses out if I had tried to sneak you in.
You would have liked the club that occupied my Friday nights.
But now that you're 21, it's gone -- and so are you.
Why did I have to know you when you were 17?

You were still in high school
And you were pretty mature for a kid, but you were still just a kid.
Therein lay the trouble:
You were too mature for your peers, but too much of a kid for me.
You were smart and kind and generous...and young.
Young enough to do the dumb things a kid does.
Maybe that was my excuse
For I could relate on all counts.
I knew you because I was you...many years too early.

You're 21 -- and I no longer know you.
I knew you when you were 17.
When mother cautioned me against being near you and talking about you.
She warned me that people would get the wrong idea -- even if nothing happened between us.

Nothing happened between us.

Nothing could have happened between us.

Why did I have to know you when you were 17?

You're 21, for what that's worth.
And all things considered, it's worth nothing.
You're all grown up now -- so what?
I'm the one who let you go when you were still just a kid.
Who would I be to come back now?
And why would you let me?
I'm old news...or just old.

Why did you have to know me when I wasn't 17?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Star

I love your sound!
Your voice, what a voice!
And your look -- oh, such a look!
You, my friend, are a star!
I love you!

Just one thing...those songs.
Yes, the ones you wrote.
I know, your heart and soul and all that.
I've got something more...commercial for you.
You know, radio-friendly.
No, no -- don't worry about your image.
We'll tell people YOU wrote it..."singer/songwriter" and all.

Hey, another thing...the hair.
And, uh...those clothes.
No, your face will still be the same.
Just a few...minor adjustments.

Alright, now let's run through this number -- don't forget those moves I taught you!

No, use the moves.

I'm telling you, just standing there is NOT SEXY.
You wanna be sexy, don't you?

Okay,'re using the moves I taught're singing the song I gave you...

Hold it!

The way you're singing that -- yes, I know it's "your style," but...
Well, let me sing it for you.

No, you obviously don't know how to sing, so LET ME TEACH YOU!

No, no, I mean it:
I love you!

I just wanna make you better.

I'm here to help.

Now, you heard how I sang that song?

Good, now sing it exactly the way I sang it.

No, don't change a single thing.


I think you're ready.

And again, my friend...




Silent Man

You are accused
You don't claim innocence
You don't claim guilt
You claim...nothing.

Your hired mouthpieces dismiss
Your PR specialists deflect
And you remain the silent man.

How dare I ask you for a statement?
How dare I ask your perspective?
You badger and belittle me for seeking the truth
Or at least for seeking balance.

The court of public opinion has ruled against you
In case you haven't noticed.

You haven't noticed.

For the idol
The icon you used to be:

Mr. Wonderful
Mr. Superior
Was a mere illusion.

Now, we all know
And we're disappointed
But not surprised.

And as the accusations intensify
And the number of accusers grows
You still remain the silent man.

And as your silence speaks louder than words
The public turns increasingly against you

As you try vainly to protect an image long gone.

And as your glory slips away from you
Your legacy obliterated

You remain, even now, the silent man.

Don't speak, silent man --
We know everything we need to.