Monday, October 2, 2017

The Neighborhood's Improving

Time for progress, time for change
Says Mr. Developer
And he should know
After all, he's never lived here
But maybe when he's finished, he'll want to.

He hasn't bothered asking what we want or what we need
Those are all such trivial details
We're not the kind of people who will make this area better
I hope we can find someplace to move to.

No grudges, no hard feelings...
The hip and rich
Or the hip and debt-inclined
Need more options
There is only so much unaffordable housing in this city
And we can never have enough.

Besides, I should have known when those artists moved in
And they thought it was cheap real estate!
But they made this place cool
Now everyone wants in
None more than Mr. Developer.

And when you see his vision, he knows you'll flip
For it's just like every other trendy neighborhood
With a coffee shop and a gastropub and a hipster dive
And a store that sells nothing but quinoa and kale
And luxury apartments not made for you or me
Or the starving artists who brought us all this buzz.

The neighborhood's improving
And I'm thrilled to be a witness
So thrilled that I keep on losing sleep
Wondering what's left for folks like us
When Mr. Developer
Has nothing new or useful developing.

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