If only the voices in my head would stop screaming
And the voices that surround me would stop shouting
And the voices that haunt me would stop talking
Maybe I could finally fall asleep.
If only your voice would stop playing
In my ears like a song I can't forget
And stop reminding me of everything we cannot be
Maybe I could finally move on.
If only the voices of my yesterdays
Would stop ringing in my ears tomorrow
If only I could silence them, if only they'd shut up
Maybe I'd look forward to the future.
If the chorus of voices on the internet
And radio, TV, and on the street
Would only stop forcing their opinions upon me
Maybe I would know what to think.
If that little voice inside me would wisen
If that little voice would shrink its own self-doubt
If that little voice didn't have enormous insecurities
Maybe I'd believe in me and you.
If only the voices in my head would stop screaming
And the voices that surround me would stop shouting
And the voices that haunt me would stop talking
Maybe I could find my one true voice.